Pony rides at the end of year party at day care! This was "Jester."
Books can be read anywhere!
Cool guy...
He won't touch blueberries from the store- fresh picked ONLY!
Apparently, riding the dog like a small pony is not frowned upon in this establishment!
On our horse, Dakota, for the first time!
We have so much fun every single day with this kid. Right now he can't stop talking. It is non-stop and I love it. I can only understand about 30%, but it is so cute to hear him just rambling on, completely certain in whatever it is that he is saying. He has also learned how to get my attention and yells "Mon" (yes- it is Mon, not Mom) at me. He can be in the other room, or 6 inches from my face, but if he thinks he needs my attention, it is "Mon" as forceful and loud and possible. It's really adorable and sometime a tiny bit obnoxious when it's fourteen times in a row.
Speed is key right now- walking is no fun, and running is no fun unless in circles. The most popular game right now is when Thomas (our littlest dog) is sitting or lying in the family room. Loop then runs circles around him as fast as he can for as long as he can before falling over, and then starts all over! Thomas plays along pretty well considering how many falls land on him. Loop knows all he animals names and is happy to point them out and identify them often. "Mon! It's Morrison!" So far he can't really command them to do anything, but I am sure he'll have that down soon too.
I can't describe how much I love this kid!