Yesterday, we took on a task that I have been fearing- we spent two hours at Babies 'R Us getting our registry started. I have looked at some lists online of must haves, don't bothers, and most popular, but we were vastly unprepared for this experience. Being in that store, with so many choices and products that are completely foreign to us, was very overwhelming. Thankfully, the employees at this store were extremely helpful and gave us good tips and comparisons between products. However, now that I am going through the registry that we created, I still have no idea if some of the things are even necessary or if there are any major items that we should be adding.
For those of you out there with kids or experience with these types of things, do you have any must haves or don't bothers for us to take into consideration? Any feedback would be very much appreciated by this overwhelmed mommy to be.
Winter baby in Colorado:
Safest carseats ever:
Zip-up pj's and for the first few weeks, gowns. Very accommodating to midnight changings (forego snaps!)
A big exercise ball to bounce baby boy to sleep.
A swing of some sort . . . .
A snap and go stroller (the best for traveling and lifting for the first couple weeks)
I have heard from lactation consultants and friends that they prefer the "my breast friend" to a boppy. They are a firmer pad which I guess makes feeding easier and keeping mom and baby in comfortable positions. :)
ReplyDeleteNow, I'm kind of a minimalist, but the only things you really NEED are a car seat and diapers. But there are plenty of nice-to-haves. I would list a boppy, (but I've never tried the "breast friend" so I can't compare) lots of books to read to baby, a rocking chair, and an exersaucer. I know that last is huge, but it is so nice to set them in so you can shower, make dinner, etc. knowing he won't go anywhere.
ReplyDeleteHere's that list of "must have" items according to one of my friends that just had a baby last fall. She's a reasonable girl that tends to really research things before buying them - so I trust her recommendations (the notes in parenthesis are her notes):
ReplyDelete-high chair (this is the one we have, saves space for a smaller kitchen)-
-pack n play (we had Tank sleep in this in our room for the first few months, now my mom uses it at her house. Didn't include a link because there are a lot to choose from as far as designs go)
-crib set (this is similar to ours, and there are a lot more nursery sets on that are really affordable)-
-crib mattress (can't remember exactly which one we got but I think it was around $75-80 and we got it at Walmart when I ordered the nursery set)
-rocker/glider- don't have any link because we used one Justin already had, but you'll spend a LOT of time in it, so definitely worth it!
-changing station-
-pump n save milk bags-
-disposable bra pads (seriously don't waste your time with the washable ones- they leak and you get wet. These are AMAZING) -
-boppy -
-drying rack-
-microwave sterilizer-
-bottle warmer:
-saucer: couldn't find the exact one but it's similar to this: