I would like some sort of sticker or sign for my car that reads something along the lines of, "I am very pregnant. BACK OFF!"
I can be a little bit of an angry driver anyway. I don't appreciate people who do not use their blinkers, cut me off, or have no patience. Since becoming pregnant, however, my anger level has gone up quite a bit. It is no longer just me that these idiots are possibly endangering or being aggressive toward. Moreover, I am not willing to take certain risks with my baby in the car with me. For example, a couple days ago, I was at the right turn that I make out of my neighborhood onto a busy main street. I have to immediately cross three lanes to get into the far left lane to then hop on the freeway. There was pretty steady traffic coming, so I just waited until I had the green light rather than flooring it to try to save two minutes and get onto the road. The man behind me did not appreciate this very much. He was waving, yelling and making hand gestures. I can understand if there were blatant openings where I could have easily made it, but this was not the case. I would have had to gun it. Additionally, I was in my 15 year old Jeep at the time, and she does not have quite the get up and go she once did. I am just not willing to take a chance like that now. I really wanted to tell the impatient idiot behind me to just control himself. Once I did turn right and he pulled up next to me, I did not look at him. I did, however, rub my belly trying to give him the message of, "it is not worth it, jerk." I hope he felt dumb, but he probably didn't even notice. Some people are just way too important to wait at a light for an extra couple of minutes.
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