I left out an important detail of our life in my last post.
Well, really two important details that coincide a little bit.
On June 9, 2013
a car crashed into Loop's bedroom.
Yes, we were home. Yes, Loop was in his room. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and I will never fully get over it.
Thankfully, all that could have gone horrifically wrong did not.
Loop stayed safely in his crib, though it was hit by his changing table, which was hit by the car. Had we been changing his diaper or rocking him to sleep, this story could have been very different. The driver was not injured or killed. Though I still hold a lot of anger toward this man and would like a sincere apology, I am thankful that my house did not kill him. The next few days were a wake-up call. A freak accident nearly turned our world inside out. A stupid mistake could have taken my baby away and there was nothing I could do about it.

Besides a near mental break on my part, a few weeks living out of hotels, and a lot of hassles, everything was okay and we all came out of it unscathed. We quickly had a realization that life is not a promise, we can't control everything, and sometimes you just have to take a chance. This led to our decision to try for Baby #2. We'd been discussing when it would be right, what we wanted to accomplish first, etc., but on June 10 decided that we needed to just give it a chance and hope that everything would be okay. I didn't want to wait and miss an opportunity at another amazing gift.
Yes, we were home. Yes, Loop was in his room. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and I will never fully get over it.
Thankfully, all that could have gone horrifically wrong did not.
Loop stayed safely in his crib, though it was hit by his changing table, which was hit by the car. Had we been changing his diaper or rocking him to sleep, this story could have been very different. The driver was not injured or killed. Though I still hold a lot of anger toward this man and would like a sincere apology, I am thankful that my house did not kill him. The next few days were a wake-up call. A freak accident nearly turned our world inside out. A stupid mistake could have taken my baby away and there was nothing I could do about it.
Besides a near mental break on my part, a few weeks living out of hotels, and a lot of hassles, everything was okay and we all came out of it unscathed. We quickly had a realization that life is not a promise, we can't control everything, and sometimes you just have to take a chance. This led to our decision to try for Baby #2. We'd been discussing when it would be right, what we wanted to accomplish first, etc., but on June 10 decided that we needed to just give it a chance and hope that everything would be okay. I didn't want to wait and miss an opportunity at another amazing gift.
Hence, our second big detail left out of my prior post- I
found out that I was pregnant on July 27.
Though a bit shocked at how quickly that happened (it took over 8 months to conceive Loop), we were ecstatic and both thought immediately that this time it was a girl. Our ultrasound tech guessed 'girl' at our 12 week appointment, and her guess was confirmed at our 16 week visit- we were expecting a GIRL! We were thrilled and couldn't wait to meet Jack's baby sister. I will share more details about my pregnancy in my next post, as it was a bit more of a roller coaster than Loop's!
Though a bit shocked at how quickly that happened (it took over 8 months to conceive Loop), we were ecstatic and both thought immediately that this time it was a girl. Our ultrasound tech guessed 'girl' at our 12 week appointment, and her guess was confirmed at our 16 week visit- we were expecting a GIRL! We were thrilled and couldn't wait to meet Jack's baby sister. I will share more details about my pregnancy in my next post, as it was a bit more of a roller coaster than Loop's!
I'm still reading! :) And as scary as that must have been, I'm glad you ended up with such a darling girl as an indirect result.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm still reading yours regularly too :)