During our many long car trips in Ireland (more on the trip later) the main topic of discussion was, 'will we find out?' Ultimately, we decided to. An overview of some of the 'whys' is in
Gender Wars. A big part of our decision is based on the fact that I have to go in every 2 weeks to one doctor for an ultrasound and then to another doctor about every 4 weeks, sometimes with ultrasounds. I feel like chances are that at some point during one of these appointments I will be able to tell, or a doctor or nurse will say he/she and that is not how we want to find out. The final factor for me really, is that I just want to know and be able to bond with he or she. The 'it' stuff just gets to me, and I am such a type-A personality, that I'm sure the planning aspect has something to do with it as well.
I had my 16 week appointment today and, along with 6 new pictures to add to the family photo album (including one cute zoomed in shot of a tiny foot and toes posted below), I also have a big envelope. Inside that envelope is the answer to whether it is a boy or girl. I'm not exactly sure when we will open it, but knowing how incredibly patient I am, probably soon. We will not, however, likely be sharing the gender with the whole world (i.e. Facebook). We may keep it our little secret for awhile, or start telling everyone. Time will tell, but don't be disappointed if I don't share right away! Everyone will know eventually one way or another.
Feel free to post gender guesses in the meantime to test your psychic abilities :)
Here are some new photos.
This is a good side view showing the head and belly. Quality isn't great since it is a picture of a picture, but you can make out the ear and face pretty well. (and I apologize, I still haven't figured out how to rotate images on here).
And here is the toes picture. Those blurry little dots are the toes.
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