Friday, March 16, 2012

Top Ten List

Here is my "Top Ten List" of being a mom. This is based on how I feel today. I may have a new list on any given day in the future.

10) Being able to use my kid as an excuse. If I am being held up by non-pressing matters at work at the end of the day, I can say, "I am sorry, but I need to go pick up my son before they start charging me $1 per minute." Works every time. No one wants to have to reimburse me for that.

9) Knowing things. I am someone that rarely has a straight answer to a question. I am always weighing pros and cons and thinking of possible alternate scenarios. This is still true for many issues relating to my son, but I also have real, solid answers to questions about my son. I know what he needs, what can help him, and how to do it. That is a pretty cool feeling.

8) Baby snuggles. Enough said.

7) Photography. Loop has renewed my love of photographs and has encouraged me to try to re-learn all of the tricks and things that I knew years ago. I am loving taking pictures, playing with my lenses and settings, and printing pictures.

6) Baby toes and baby fingers. When he is eating, Loop likes to pet you with his feet. It is such a sweet thing and I love it. I could play with his toes and fingers all day.

5) Bath time. Loop LOVES the bath and he is so sweet and calm during bath time. It is such a sweet, quiet  time for the three of us as a family.

4) No bad days. Nothing can be that bad. I can have a crummy time at the office, or a grumpy client yell at me, but at the end of it, I get to go get my son and have him smile at me. That fixes everything. I can have a fight with my husband or make some really dumb mistake that screws something up, and then I get to take a walk and show my son the beautiful sky. No day can be bad with my little guy in it.

3) Seeing how much joy Loop brings to complete strangers. Someone that does not know us can look at my son and just smile ear to ear. I never have that effect on people! He brings joy to others by just the slightest smile. I hope that he leaves a lasting glad impression on those people.

2) The love. There is so much pure love in every day in our home now. We are calmer and happier. So much love.

And the Number One Best Thing About Being a Mom is.... drum roll please...

Making my kid laugh. Seriously. The. Best. Thing. EVER. Whether I am actively trying to encourage giggling, or if he is just looking at me and laughing for no reason that I can discern, it is the greatest joy that I have ever had. Sometimes I am changing Loop's diaper and he just looks at me and cracks up. Last night, Jay and I were putting him to bed and doing our ritual reading of "Pajama Time" and he was just squealing at us. It was adorable, hilarious, and so heartwarming!



  1. I love reading your blog! Noah just started REALLY laughing recently. He's been laughing for a while, but up until about a week ago it was this weird perverted heavy breathing sound... now he actually giggles and chuckles. I'd have to agree, seeing that little human smile and laugh is the most rewarding thing in the entire world.

    I bet in a year or so you'll post that hearing him say "Mama" is the best thing... and soon after "I love you mama."

    We have the best jobs! :)

  2. this is a great list. also, I really like your writing style. xxoo
