Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pregnancy Symptom?

Or, am I just getting cranky in my old age?

It seems like I am so much more annoyed with things right now. For example, I am fairly used to people mis-spelling my name with a "z," but after a woman sent me three emails today addressed to "Elizabeth" I am about ready to scream. It's like my patience for inattention to detail has virtually disappeared.

So far I haven't snapped at anyone, but I have written several nasty notes that I promptly ripped up just to get it out.

Am I alone, or is this a pregnancy symptom that my books forgot to tell me about?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Nursery!

The nursery is done! Well, the painting and chair rail are done, and we have all of the furniture except for a glider/rocking chair. Jay is such a good sport. Usually I do a lot of the work with painting projects, but on this it was all him. He first had to move his clothes from the closet in the nursery to the closet in the guest room (cut his closet space by more than half), since I take up the entire closet in our room, which was a big and not very fun undertaking, I'm sure. Once that was done, we taped and he primed the entire room, as the walls were blue with really dark blue trim. I'd had the idea of a chair rail, which Jay wasn't too keen on, but he put a little faith in my idea, and painted the top half of the wall light blue and the bottom half green. We measured and cut the chair rail, he painted it, and we installed it this past weekend just in time for Jayme's visit to our house. Here are some pictures from my phone:

I am pretty proud of my idea, if I don't say so myself. I think it turned out really nice. You can't tell from the pictures, but the blue and green paint match 2 of the polka dot colors on the valance.

In a month or so, the windows will be replaced, so we don't have to worry about the baby freezing or burning from the 50 year old aluminum windows. I will post more pictures once we have it more decorated, etc.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I have had my first pregnancy comment from a stranger. I am getting used to people staring at my belly. Maybe they are thinking, "oh, she is pregnant," but have guessed wrong before so just stare. Last night, I was walking down the stairs at the gym heading to the locker room to change and a woman was walking up. As she was eye level with my belly, she says "Is there a baby in there?" and smiled. It was a good feeling to know that yes, it is obvious to complete strangers that this bump is for a baby and not from too many cheeseburgers!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Excuse me while I vent...

I apologize in advance for the TMI-ness of this post...

For me, many of the pregnancy stereotypes or typical symptoms have skipped me, but there is one that has not- the need to pee CONSTANTLY. Add to this the necessity of drinking enough water all day long, and you can imagine how many times I leave my desk during the day.

The problem, however, is my office. There are nine women that work here full-time and two additional women that come in part-time. We have one women's bathroom. Not one bathroom with stalls, just one bathroom. There is also one bathroom for men, of which there are five. Prior to my pregnancy, this would sometimes be annoying, but never that big of a deal. Now, however, I am becoming increasingly annoyed.

My biggest annoyance this week- a co-worker that takes her breaks in the bathroom. I don't mean that she uses her breaks to go to the restroom. She will spend over twenty minutes in there at least twice, but usually three times a day. Now, she could be feeling ill and have troubles that I should be sympathetic to. However, I honestly think she just likes the quiet in there and sits in there reading magazines. I can understand that, but there is some consideration required in an office full of women, one of which being pregnant with an impatient bladder!

Because there is no possible way to discuss this with said co-worker, I am venting on here to at least get it off my chest!

I have now gone over and introduced myself as "the pregnant girl" to the receptionist in the office next door and have permission to use their bathroom when needed. With pregnancy comes the realization that some things are just more important than being embarrassed. It is a lot less embarrassing to go into another office to use a restroom than it would be to pee my pants at the office.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Latest

We had our bi-weekly appointment and our monthly growth check. Everything still looks really good and the baby's growth is right on track. He is one week ahead of schedule, which they say is completely normal. He weighs over a pound now! during the ultrasounds, he had is feet right up under my ribs and his head down by my hips, with his hand around or over his face the whole time. We got three new 3D pictures.

Still can't rotate, but he has his hand completely covering his face. He takes after his father already and hates having his photo taken!

Side view of his face.

He's trying to eat his hand.

Tomorrow is four months exactly from our due date. I cannot believe it is that soon already. Sometimes it feels like I have been pregnant FOREVER, but mostly, I am shocked by how fast the time is going by. He will be here before we know it! Makes me realize all of the things left to do. We registered for our childbirth class and I plan to also take a newborn care class in the next couple months. I'm so excited!

On Sunday at my parents' house, the neighbor came over with her granddaughter. We went to go say hi to the horse, and when he stretched out his head to sniff us, it scared the little one and she reached over to me with her arms all stretched out. I picked her up and she just clung to my neck. It was the sweetest thing and made me so excited to have my own little one to comfort and cuddle!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time for an Update

It's been a while since I've posted anything, so here goes a random post about how things are going now. I apologize in advance for the lack of organization and focus!

I am now 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and, according to my handy iPhone app, 53.2% through my pregnancy, and 61.9% through my second trimester. 131 days remain until my due date. Now that it is August, December is seeming so much closer than it once did.

Thankfully, I have been feeling great. I am probably really annoying to those of you that had terrible morning sickness, but I really have nothing to complain about- I have really enjoyed my pregnancy so far. I, of course, can get worn out and have days where I am grumpy and just feel bad, and the acne was a bonus I didn't expect, but I am FINALLY getting my skin back. I feel less and less like a teenage boy every day.  However, my acne issues have been replaced by the problem of the expanding butt and hips. I have always gained weight as a "pear," and apparently, being pregnant = my weight is just migrating there. Today, my secretary says to me, in an excited tone, "Oh! You're filling out!" To me, that means, "Woah! Look at how fat you are getting!" Now, I realize this is a little bit dramatic, but this is an entirely new experience. I had an image in my head of what I thought I would look like pregnant, but my body has a mind of its own! I thought I was prepared for the weight gain and changing body, but I am learning that it's easier said than done. I'm still right in the right range of weight gain according to my doctor, and am still working out regularly (though I had to stop running after my first doctor appointment), so I am not exactly upset or concerned, but it is strange. I have not ever been someone to have major weight fluctuations, so it's an adjustment to be sure.

On a related note, I am really starting to look pregnant. That is kind of fun. I don't have people asking when I'm due, or touching me (thankfully), but Jay says that he thinks it should be obvious to strangers. I'm not so sure, but it is definitely more apparent than it was a few weeks ago. I swear, the 18 week mark was a turning point. Up until then, I doubt that anyone thought anything other than that I had a little gut, but then 18 weeks hit and suddenly there is this belly!

Baby boy is still doing well. He really enjoyed the Rockies game last night. TONS of wiggling around and moving. I was trying to describe the feeling to Jay, but could only come up with "it feels like a fish is flopping around in there!" Such a strange feeling and sometimes it is so distracting. I cannot imagine what it will be like when he is bigger and exerting more force and kicking and punching me! We saw him in 3D at my appointment last week. I won't post it because he looks half alien- half burn victim, but it was cool to see the actual facial features instead of the skeletal image that shows up on the regular ultrasound. I was caught off guard because mid-ultrasound, the tech just switched it to 3D for fun, found his face, printed a few pictures, then switched it back. To be honest, it was slightly creepy seeing him like that, and I had no time to prepare to see it!

Work has been good, also. Thankfully it hasn't been crazy busy, so there hasn't been too much stress and my hours have been reasonable. I do get many more sincere "how are you"s during the day, which was pretty much non-existent before, and every once and a while, someone will stare at my belly for a few seconds then ask when my due date is. Those moments always make me a little but uncomfortable because I can't tell if they are wondering if I look too pregnant or not pregnant enough.  I should start messing with them and giving different dates each time.

I better stop rambling. This is a long post! Thanks so much to everyone that sent me feedback on registry items- I really appreciate it!