Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pregnancy Symptom?

Or, am I just getting cranky in my old age?

It seems like I am so much more annoyed with things right now. For example, I am fairly used to people mis-spelling my name with a "z," but after a woman sent me three emails today addressed to "Elizabeth" I am about ready to scream. It's like my patience for inattention to detail has virtually disappeared.

So far I haven't snapped at anyone, but I have written several nasty notes that I promptly ripped up just to get it out.

Am I alone, or is this a pregnancy symptom that my books forgot to tell me about?


  1. When in doubt, blame it on the pregnancy.

    But really, I do think it has to do with the hormones. Just like you (generic you, not specific) get a little touchy around that time of the month, you're more prone to being annoyed at little things while you're pregnant.

    At least, it happens to me too.

  2. I agree with Janelle. I get irritable with people on a daily basis (not openly of course), especially when we are corresponding via email, and my email address is my name,I sign my name, and they STILL spell it wrong! Come on people. Always blame it on pregnancy, cause you can't use that excuse for too long!

  3. I just had the realization that you and my mom spell your names the same. Elisabeth. :)

    ...and yes, I have been UBER irritable and easily annoyed since becoming pregnant, and I am just noticing it more recently. (27-28 weeks.)
